What is a purchase requisition?

A purchase requisition is a formal request made by an employee or department within an organization to the purchasing or procurement department to acquire goods or services. This document serves as the initial step in the procurement process and is used to initiate the purchase of items needed for the organization’s operations.

Purchase Request for Dynamics 365 Business Central

  • Set a number of series in the setup
  • Purchase Request Creation
  • Approval Workflow
  • Differentiate the PRQs by purchase type
  • Create quote/order/invoice directly from the PRQ
  • Group several request into one purchase quote/order/invoice
  • Archive the purchase request
  • Track the goods in the PRQ throughout the entire process, from the initial request to the receipt.

Your Ideas Matter to Us

We highly value your feedback and are thrilled to provide you with the opportunity to contribute your ideas for improving our application. Your input is vital in helping us enhance the user experience and continually refine our app. Whether it’s a new feature request, a suggestion for a smoother interface, or any other improvements you have in mind, please share them with us at idea.rfq@amjs-consulting.com .Together, we can shape the future of our application to better align with your needs and expectations. Your ideas are essential to us, and we eagerly await your messages!